Grooming Last Night

10:00 AM - January 31, 2023

      Good morning from Bathurst. -18 at post. With these temperatures, the trails will set up. Going forward it looks like we're going to see much lower temperatures through the weekend, which is what we need. The trails should be awesome.

         It was a typical Monday on the trails with not much traffic. Ron had the three groomers out last night and they groomed from Bass River on trail 19 over to the Atlantic Host  in Bathurst, Trail 23 through Nepisiguit Lodge, up through Nine Mile Shelter and Rogers Lake to Red Pine Shelter and the 507. Also Trail 22 from the Nine Mile Shelter all the way through to the 22/301 intersection.  With Piston Alley and the 503 groomed on Sunday night the trails should be in decent shape this morning. We have been receiving some positive comments on our trails that we groom, but giving the traffic that we receive I'm sure there are places that need extra grooming, but that is the nature of the Beast and I'm sure that sledders understand.

        Safety message for the week. All too often you hear about the inexperienced rider having an accident. Most times the reason is speed, but the main reason is that the lead sled or sleds are running to fast for the inexperienced rider to keep up, subsequently they are riding to fast for their capableility, hence an accident. My advice to the people in the back is to let the lead sleds to slow down. Further advice to the lead sleds is to show some respect for the people behind. This would lead to a lot safer trip.

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