02:30 PM - March 09, 2025
Our Sign structure blew over broke the post off at the base at intersection of 23/503 . We will put a couple temp signs indicating 23 east and west also 503.. I will repair this in the spring .
Jacob also said 23 from Rogers lake to Popple is good going also 503 to Simpsons field also good a little water in a couple spots .He pushed back snow to drain this but no issues for sledders .
Today we have 2 groomers out grooming the rest of our system from the 430 at nine mile east up. I would say these trails will be good with some ice in spots. From what I heard from our lodge west is very doable we might send groomer there in the next day or 2 . I will wait for reports today on that section do not want the groomer to break threw the ice and cause damage to the trail.