08:00 AM - March 09, 2021
Tuesday Club #1
Very light traffic on the trails yesterday' Ron gave Monday night off to the operators, but they will be on for tomorrow night. The temps are going to be real warm for a couple of days this week, plus the fact that the sun is much higher and out longer adding to the slow meltdown. Most trails remain in good shape and we should see more spring like traffic like we seen on the past weekend.
Knock on wood, but we have seen fewer accidents this year on the trails. A little safety message for you: You usually see the more experienced rider out front example being a man & wife team. Don’t put your mate at risk by driving to the extreme forcing them to try and keep up. A lot of accidents don’t usually happen to the front rider, but to that rider who is always trying to “keep up”. They may not have the experience or the strength to do so. Know the strengths and downfalls of your fellow riders.
Alyre at Serpentine Lodge asked me to relay this message to those wishing to contact his lodge in Serpentine. He is still having trouble with his phone system, so this is what he wants you to do. Write a text to him at 506-473-0397 with the info you want and he’ll get back to you via satellite phone. Be short but precise with your conversation because as you know, satellites move on until the next one appears.