04:00 AM - October 31, 2020
Here are some of our outlets for purchasing tickets
Kerr's Chainsaw Ltd. Bradley Kerr
City Center. Claude Doucet
West End Sports. Guy Hache
Brunswick Powersports. Yves Mazerolle
Patterson Sales. Chris Young / Andrew Carroll
3-Step Contracting. Marc Poirier
Theriault's Groceries. Jennifer Tardif
Glendenning’s Convenience
Curt’s Auto Repair
Eugene Frenette
Mike Skerry
Marco Leblanc
Marc Hannan
Clayton Chamberlain
Denise Lebreton Pokemouche 727-8398
Micheline Basque
David Carroll
Bob Comeau
Don Kenny alankenn@nbnet.nb.ca
Dave Brewster
Chris Primrose Nova Scotia
Note: If you want to sell a book/books of tickets you will have a chance to win a free trail permit for the 2021-22 snowmobile season. There will be two such prizes which will be drawn after the lottery.