Big Meltdown + 2 PM Update

09:00 AM - March 13, 2021

Saturday   Club #1  + 2 PM Update

Update : 2 PM      Since the temps cooled off in the past 8 hours Ron decided to put the groomers out early. The # 1 left Roger Rogers lake east on 23 to NMS then will be heading 22 north to the 22/301, then back out to 507down to Red Pine shelter, will turn there and backtrack to Rogers Lake via the cal Loop, NMS and into Rogers Lake where Mickey will take over some time tonight. ( Also push back snow drifts in different areas )   # 2 with Jacob is now on the trail as well. Down to Bass River on Trail 19 and is currently on Trail 23 heading through to Nepisiguit and Nine Mile Shelter. He will eventually end up at the Host sometime tonight. 

Yesterday and last night was a severe meltdown of snow with a combination of high winds, temperatures from +5 to +8 and high sun. Contrary to what Ron was thinking yesterday morning with grooming last night, these were his thoughts. ” I was just back to groomer shed and ditches are filling up with water and trails are very soft. I also called our lodge and they said there is no traffic at all. I think it is our best interest to just hold off until tomorrow around supper time before we head out. I think we will do more harm than good if we don’t wait for freeze up. I am sure there will be wet areas. With cold weather coming we can get things back in shape Sunday and Monday”.

      I agree with Ron and like he said with the cold weather coming today we should have the trails back in shape for tomorrow next week. If anyone is wondering about trail deterioration, this should not affect the base very much. Usually this is always the last to go because it is so compacted. What we see most is the sides of the trail or loose snow that gets hit the most. You can help preserving the trails by not spinning up the trails. Brap Brap

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