Thank you so much for the trails reports and all the grooming hours, the trails were excellent today!!! Also, thanks for the safety message reminder!!!
January 08, 2020NB
amazing! Thanks for all your hard work. Mitch
January 08, 2020PEI
Wicked job Boys keep up the great work you guys are committed for sure cheers
January 07, 2020Miramichi
You guys always do a great job Greg
January 07, 2020Halifax
Nice keep up with the great work thanks to all who this possible
January 07, 2020Moncton
BEST snowmobile club around.. you guys do great work and we’re always pleasantly surprised by conditions when we go up your way. Keep up the good work!! And thanks to everyone involved. Alex
January 07, 2020Fred NS
what a great job you folks do
January 05, 2020Andy Perrin, Moncton
We just spent 4 nights with our good friend Alyre at Serpentine. Julie, Alyre and Vicky were gracious hosts as usual. We did a lot of off-trail riding and had a great 4 days and when we left this morning to head back to Rogers Lake we had the best surprise as it was absolutely TABLE TOP all the way back! Hats off to the groomers they did an amazing job grooming the trails!!!
December 30, 2019oui boys
Don you all doing a awesome jobs folks--thank you -big shout out to DON AND JACKIE- NEW owners of Auberge Ressources Inn ( Sugar Camp-) awesome new menue--- Wicked Pizza -and half Chicken with home style crispy brown fries makes the crusty coated old colonel look real bad ha ha----
December 11, 2019Thunder- NS
It really is to bad we cant get groomers on snow in theses early snow years earlier than 15th. Get the trails set up from dec 1st on -it seems we would have been able to handle this knuckler -if we had been groomed up last 10 days -i know all the insuransce isses ect----- ect just you guys do such a great job getting ready and when rolling now base is beat out and melting much tougher for team -we had wicked riding last week-i am sure- Don you have tried to be more flexible with dates but if all clubs agree the province or who ever should bend-alot less work for you guys for this year if we started earlier and got our base - and NO disspointment foreveryone whos booked for next week lol me included--Thanks for all you do my friend --see you soon- cheers THUNDER
October 27, 2019THUNDER
YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING ----!!! GREAT JOB ON RED BROOK AND EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DOING TO MAKE 2020 the ------snowmobling year yet---cheers Paul
October 15, 2019PEI
you guys do an awesome job and you get lots of snow which PEI does not.
January 10, 2020 Dieppe, NB
Thank you so much for the trails reports and all the grooming hours, the trails were excellent today!!! Also, thanks for the safety message reminder!!!
January 08, 2020 NB
amazing! Thanks for all your hard work. Mitch
January 08, 2020 PEI
Wicked job Boys keep up the great work you guys are committed for sure cheers
January 07, 2020 Miramichi
You guys always do a great job Greg
January 07, 2020 Halifax
Nice keep up with the great work thanks to all who this possible
January 07, 2020 Moncton
BEST snowmobile club around.. you guys do great work and we’re always pleasantly surprised by conditions when we go up your way. Keep up the good work!! And thanks to everyone involved. Alex
January 07, 2020 Fred NS
what a great job you folks do
January 05, 2020 Andy Perrin, Moncton
December 30, 2019 oui boys
December 11, 2019 Thunder- NS
October 27, 2019 THUNDER
October 15, 2019 PEI
you guys do an awesome job and you get lots of snow which PEI does not.
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